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We want our students to be intellectually curious, rigorous and independent thinkers who are not satisfied with easy answers but are willing to search continuously for a greater understanding of themselves and the world. 

Rubicon Atlas

Atlas is the curriculum mapping solution tailored to the school or district and paired with customized learning programs.


Elementary School

Our school uses the Core Knowledge Sequence as its principal curricular guide in grades Pre-K 3 to Eight.


Secondary School

St. Augustine Preparatory School offers students in grades 9 to 12 a challenging college-preparatory program that fulfills the requirements of highly selective universities in the U.S. and around the world.


Student Services

Our School Counseling Program includes a broad range of services to help students capitalize on their strengths and reach their highest levels of development

21st Century School

St. Augustine Preparatory School is preparing students for life in the 21st century by integrating technology into the teaching and learning process.

Captura de pantalla 2021-05-28

Honors and AP Courses

Honors and Advanced Placement courses are available in Mathematics, English Literature, Spanish Literature, Biology, Calculus, U.S., European and World History and Studio Art. 

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